String Synthesizer

This time I found something, that I always want to create: A string synthesizer. On the page and is such a synthesizer described. It works on the basis of an Arduino. I do it without a keyboard, but with MIDI. It is with an original Arduino Nano as proposed. The control of Modulation,…

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Unimod – A Versatile Sound Effect Generator

I found this project in the US magazine Popular Electronics, February 1981. Here is the link to the document: Unimod-Sound-Effects-Generator.pdf. I was interested in how this effect sounds and after finishing it, I can only say it sounds interesting. The assembly takes place in a simple TEKO housing. I changed the circuit board a bit,…

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Electro Harmonix – Big Muff

A distortion device is also a fine thing, I thought to myself, and made one for myself. A Big Muff clone from Electro Harmonix. There are many different templates on the net. I decided me for one of   I used a simple TEKO case and glued it with hot glue. The distortion is…

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ETI 603 Sequencer

In the December issue of the magazine Elrad from 1978 there was a sequencer, which I copied and used with my MS-20 and MS-10. Unfortunately I gave it away sometime, because I had sold both synthesizers. In the meantime I remembered this easy to build sequencer and rebuilt it. Since I don’t want to violate…

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SimplenZAR MIDI Sequencer

Since I have been building digital synthesizers most of the time lately, I needed a simple MIDI sequencer. I found it on the page The sequencer shown here seemed to be easy to set up and use. After I created it, I can say that it does exactly what I wanted it to do.…

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Stella Synthesizer

From the book ARDUINO FOR MUSICANS is the Stella Synthesizer project. It is a synthesizer based on an Arduino and the Mozzi sound library. Built into a wooden cabinet, it is a simple and quickly assembled project. I created the circuit diagram with ExpressSCH: StellaSynth. I also made a board with ExpressPCB: StellaSynth. As always…

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A few months ago I also got myself a DSP-G1 chip and now I want to build a nice polyphonic synthesizer. The DSP-G1 chip contains everything you need and you could connect it to a MIDI keyboard with a few components and control it with MIDI. But I did not really like that. I want…

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MeeBlip Triode

After I built a MeeBlip anode, I wanted to build the MeeBlip Triode. Now I finally had the opportunity to create a circuit board. Here is the result. Unfortunately I haven’t had time to verify my work yet, but I would like to present the result here. The one-sided layout I created with the free…

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TS-1 by Notes and Volts

TS-1 is a digital synthesizer based on a Teensy 3.2. In the original, on the site, it is created with a multiplexer that queries the 15 analogue potentiometers. A Teensy 3.2 has 20 analogue connections and I wondered why you need a multiplexer. It is not needed. So I adapted the code a bit…

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Arduino Granular Synth by Notes and Volts

The Arduino Granular Synth is a digital synthesizer based on an Arduino Nano. Here is the link to the page: Granular synthesis is a method used in some synthesizers and programs to create artificial sounds. The small synthesizer is absolutely fun and easy to use. But it is also easy to build. Unlike the…

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