Category: Synthesizer

Arduino Mini-Pops

I found on a side Korg Mini-Pops DIY Drum Machine and further on The O2 source code. I thought, I’d like to try that out. I ordered all parts and do it for simplicity flying wire. I made the housing from wood. The front and rear panels are 3 mm birch plywood and the sides…

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MeeBlip Anode Synthesizer

Some times before I found on and the clone of the Arduino Bass Synthesizer, MeeBlip Anode. It is open source and easy to build. The cost will be about € 40,- if you order the most parts at chinese suppliers via eBay inclusive the enclosure and all accessories. All parts are are located…

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String Synthesizer

This time I found something, that I always want to create: A string synthesizer. On the page and is such a synthesizer described. It works on the basis of an Arduino. I do it without a keyboard, but with MIDI. It is with an original Arduino Nano as proposed. The control of Modulation,…

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Stella Synthesizer

From the book ARDUINO FOR MUSICANS is the Stella Synthesizer project. It is a synthesizer based on an Arduino and the Mozzi sound library. Built into a wooden cabinet, it is a simple and quickly assembled project. I created the circuit diagram with ExpressSCH: StellaSynth. I also made a board with ExpressPCB: StellaSynth. As always…

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MeeBlip Triode

After I built a MeeBlip anode, I wanted to build the MeeBlip Triode. Now I finally had the opportunity to create a circuit board. Here is the result. Unfortunately I haven’t had time to verify my work yet, but I would like to present the result here. The one-sided layout I created with the free…

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Arduino Granular Synth by Notes and Volts

The Arduino Granular Synth is a digital synthesizer based on an Arduino Nano. Here is the link to the page: Granular synthesis is a method used in some synthesizers and programs to create artificial sounds. The small synthesizer is absolutely fun and easy to use. But it is also easy to build. Unlike the…

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